Saturday, June 13, 2009

Blog 7-- Cordial [An excerpt on waiting...)

I'm writing this more for myself, but who knows...maybe your eyes will catch a glimpse of it one day. It's early enough that the sun is still hidden, and my guess is that you haven't even met this day yet. I could try to introduce you, however, I myself have not grown too familiar with it yet. Although I must admit that it seems oddly similar to its predecessor.
It's lonely...
It's hoping...
It's distracted...
All induced simply by the unknown.
For if you had met, you would have stopped the sun from its setting, I'm sure. You would have chased away its night, kept it from retreating into solitude where it remains exempt from change.
For if you had met, although it'd have the same name, this day would be unlike any before, I'm sure.
It'd be whole...
It's be content...
It'd be steadfast...
All despite the unknown.
Oh, when will you meet this day? Oh, please dear, awake.
Until then, this day & I will remain, must remain... Cordial.