Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blog 6-- Hello Ego

"Hello Ego, why it's a displeasure to meet you."

God leaves no room for my ego...and I'm glad.

As humans I know we are constantly fighting our flesh: Our flesh that needs a pat on the back.

Recently I feel that God has been giving me some awesome opportunities as far as worship leading, and it seems that there are so many things outside of my control that go wrong. I find myself feeling defeated afterward. The weird thing is though, each time I've gotten a lot of positive feedback...People saying a lot of uplifting things...And even a response that His presence was all over the time of worship.

Wait a minute! What?

What about that transition that we messed up?

Or what about the fact that one of my guitar strings broke?

Or what about the feedback that I had coming through my monitor?

Or the ipod music that didn't cut off at the right time for our set to begin?

So I guess what I'm saying is that God can still show up in spite all these faulterings. Hmm, what a concept! It's not about anything I'm doing up on that stage! It's about the position of the heart. The best part in all of this is that God could've still shown up if everything went completely smooth, but it didn't. There was no room for egos to come in and take credit. I love it!

Thank you God for showing me this. Yes, I will still strive for excellence, but that is not the determining factor of whether or not His presence is part of the worship experience.

He fills in our gaps.

Aren't you glad? I know I am.

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