Sunday, December 19, 2010



i have weird tendencies.
i always look at the clock at 11:10.
am and/or pm.
the significance?
11/10 is the anniversary of my birth.
other than that, i have no idea.
why am i telling you this?
once again, i don't know.
i just happened to decide to blog, and looked down at the clock at...
you guessed it!

ok now on to the actual blog...
so in my last blog i told you that i'm writing lots.
i'm currently writing for my first full-length album.
in the next few blogs, i think i'll begin sharing the direction of the album.
i've been really attempting to approach it from a "project perspective".
not just a haphazard conglomeration of songs written here and there.
i'm writing with a vision in place beforehand for each song + for the album as a whole.
i'm writing songs that unify somewhat topically.
i'm writing with a certain spectrum of sounds in mind.
it's definitely weird for me.
but then again, as aforementioned, i have weird tendencies.
so we will see how it comes together.
hopefully it'll be yumminess for your ears.

goodnight all. it took me far too long to write this. i get distracted easily.
until we...your eyes + my written again,

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